Merry Xmas

 Christmas morning was like any other morning. I got up early, had my glass of lemon water, grabbed a fresh cup of coffee and hit the gym. Yes I could have taken the day off no problem but I didn’t feel the need. I gave myself a special gift for Christmas though. 

 After doing my usual callisthenics and weight training I went for the heavy bag. When I started out, on day one as I said I struggled through a mere 90 seconds punching on that bag. I then climbed to being able to do 3 - 3 minute rounds with a minute rest in between. I wondered if after only 9 weeks I could make it through more than just three rounds. Pro fights are typically 10 rounds and championship bouts 12. Though I was feeling like a champion I went for 10. 

 I am being 100% honest when I say I did not take easy on myself not one bit. I went at the bag full throttle bobbing and weaving, jabbing and throwing combinations. There were a few rounds I thought about throwing in the towel but thought to myself, Rocky never quit. Around round six I thought I was going to throw up I was huffing and puffing so hard. But I dug down deep and just kept pounding away on that bag. Before I knew it, I had made it to round 10. I can’t quit now is all I said over and over for the full minute rest period in which I took all rest periods standing, pacing back and forth actually. I spent every bit of energy I had left in me during the tenth and final round. I was going for the knockout. When the flurry of punches stopped pouring out of me I had went over by 30 seconds. I was totally shocked. In just 9 weeks I went from 90 seconds to being able to make through 10 rounds. I said Merry Christmas to me! 

 This personal accomplishment may have not mean much to a lot of people but it meant a lot to me. I don’t think I would have been able to go ten rounds when I was in my 40’s but here I was, doing in my mid 50’s. Granted there’s boat loads of people my age and even older that can do 10 rounds but at the same time, I didn’t know any personally. I more knew some 20 and 30 year olds that get out of breath getting up out of their chairs so yes I was feeling pretty damn good about myself.

 As for Christmas dinner. I enjoyed myself very much. I served myself a moderate portion opting for veggies more than anything else. I was killing the Brussels sprouts which I absolutely hated as a kid. Turns out I love them now. I didn’t go for the usual three rounds of deserts I instead just had coffee. I admit the temptation was there to just go all out as I did the last few years but I instead held my ground. Getting through those 10 rounds earlier that day had a lot to do with me being able to stay in my lane, I was so happy I did that. Sure everyone was commenting on me saying this and that but I didn’t allow it to get to me. 

 Along with every accomplishment, every bit of progress my determination grew and so did my confidence. I started to see that the rewards one gets from not just training daily but working on the discipline of actually doing something daily spills over into other areas of your life. I was definitely procrastinating a lot less across the board. I was getting so amped up now that I was constantly thinking ahead of what I was going to do in the gym the next day and the next. It was pretty much the same with eating now. The adoption process was coming along nicely. I don’t know who ever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. They must have not tried because this old dog was definitely learning and I was loving it. 


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