New Year Resolution


My New Year resolution going into 2019 was to not make any. I was never big on making new year resolutions as I seen them as a set up for failure. Granted some people actually make it happen but truth be told the statistics don’t lie. A higher percentage of people give up on their new year resolutions within 90 days.

 On the real, you can decide to make a positive change in your life any day of the year. I made mine long before the new year rolled around and I was well into it keeping the promises I made to myself. Working out was definitely becoming a habit. I actually had to force myself to take my days off and to be honest I skipped days off from time to time when I just felt the need to get in a good day of training. My eating habits were also coming along. I was still eating breakfast after working out but I did find myself eating later and later in the mornings. I was never really a breakfast person and I didn’t want to force anything or make myself feel uncomfortable so I was ok with it.

 Though my breakfast was more becoming brunch I kept having fun with it. I found some great tortillas at a local Asian store. They are great from breakfast burritos and dinner. At first I still added eggs but I slowly cut back on eggs till I eventually made breakfast burritos with no eggs at all. I wouldn’t go as far as saying I was totally eliminating eggs from my diet but I was definitely cutting down on them. I found that the burritos were just as tasty without the eggs as long as there was still hot sauce. And yes, even hot sauce has health benefits.

 Lunch was non existent for me. Seeing I was doing the breakfast thing which was now actually more like brunch I just didn’t feel hungry till it was dinner time. I know most people are used to their 3 meals per day or more even snacking in between meals. I felt a little ahead of the game as I was more into two meals per day with no real snacking in between. If by any chance I did feel a bit hungry I usually grabbed a cup of coffee. My being overweight wasn’t so much how much I ate, but what I had been eating along with a lack of physical activity. Everyones situation is different but in the end we all have to face those situations if we want to change them. 

 Though I was still testing the waters as far as eating healthier and exercising I was already seeing results. The consistency was the main ingredient to seeing the results I was getting. I indeed thought that I could have made much more progress had I done this or that but at the same time the experience may have not been as enjoyable as it had been up until this point. 

 I strongly believe that the best way of adopting a new healthier lifestyle is to ease into it. Experiment trying new and different types of things till find what works for you. Find what you enjoy and easily fits into your daily life. I know it’s difficult to give up on things we are used to. It’s like giving up those old comfy pair of jeans that have been long ago broken in. But the time does come when they just gotta go. No one can tell me it doesn’t feel good to be dressed fresh out the box. A new outfit can make you feel like a million bucks. Well replacing old harmful habits, with brand new healthy ones can feel just like that. You just have to pick ones that feel good for you. 


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