Now Peter Piper Picked Peppers…

 I have always liked peppers, green, red, yellow, orange all of them. I just didn’t eat them as often as I should have. As I was trying to eat better I picked up peppers while doing groceries more often, mostly green ones at first. I was mainly using them for breakfast but I did at times make something for dinner using them. One day just for the hell of it I decided to look up what if any health benefits eating peppers had. Let me tell you I was so surprised that I almost instantly jumped into my car and went to buy some. 

 I was slowly but surly learning more about nutrition and one thing I found really inspiring was just looking up what health benefits different foods have. I kind of wondered why the information wasn’t put out there more. I mean realistically I know why, but seriously people WE should be putting this information out to everyone! 

 My experimenting in the kitchen continued and I was getting better at whipping up good meals. What I love most about spending time in the kitchen is my son enjoys joining me. He tastes everything and it turns out he absolutely loves eating raw peppers. Seeing him smile and just loving munching on healthy whole foods is a huge motivator for me. Children do as you do more than as you say opposed to what my pops used to say all the time “don’t do as I do, do as I say”. I rather choose to lead by example. 

 I am going to say this again I am not on a diet I am just trying to eat better. I am experimenting with different healthy recipes I look up on line and am just having fun with it. I barely ever ate out anywhere so to just eliminate eating out completely was easy enough. I am just cooking my own food using the healthiest things I can and lots of peppers are on top of the list for me. I am going to create a post about the health benefits of peppers in hopes it will inspire you to eat more peppers and to also pass the information on to others.


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