Staying On The Ball

 The holidays, Christmas 2018 and the New year were quickly approaching. I know A LOT of people give in to the temptations of the holidays. They just toss everything aside to be festive not thinking of the consequences at all. For one day/night one can pay with weeks of disappointment, guilt just beating ones self up I was having it. I was very aware and very uncompromising. I was just not willing to give up not even a centimetre of my progress for anything or anyone. As the days rolled by I went into the gym and worked extra hard. Every set and every rep I thought to myself I am not going to give in. I knew I could enjoy the holidays, being with family without acting like a pig eating at the trough. 

 It’s funny, yet not that when someone decides to make a big change in their lives the people around them fail to understand. Many take it as a joke. I’ve experienced this when I got clean and sober and it was no different in trying to get healthy and fit. I remember telling my friends sincerely I needed to get clean and sober or I was going to literally die. I spoke from the heart with tears streaming down my face and within minutes after pouring my heart out what do you think their reactions were? They would offer me a drink or invite me to do drugs. It’s no different with trying to eat healthy you explain what you want to do, what your desires are your goals. You explain your health issues mental and physical and when you’re done baring your soul your very loved ones will wave a plate of fried chicken in your face. It’s difficult not to take it personal but the truth is they don’t do it maliciously and no, you shouldn’t take it personal. They just haven’t fully grasped the idea of the changes you are making. They can not fully comprehend the decisions you have chosen to make for your life. Some actually deep down, want the same changes in their lives but haven’t made the decision yet and they unconsciously try to keep you in the same place with them.

 I have said it and I will say it again and again. It is difficult to change even if it means saving your own life. My health issues weren’t life threatening but I didn’t want to sit around waiting for more serious issues to come knocking on my door. I grew up not celebrating holidays. No, none of them so it really wasn’t a big deal for me personally. But my wife grew up celebrating them so you know the deal. What was important to me was spending time with family not eating food and drinking. My health was also much more important to me so I vowed to stay on the ball. 

 My little gym set up may not have been fully stocked as I was still searching for a bench, a real pull up bar and I also wanted a curling bar. But, I did use everything I did have including the exercise ball my wife gave to me. I wasn’t working on getting a six pack. That ball helped me to stretch my back out. It felt really good on my back while using it. The next day was another story. 

 Speaking of six packs. A lot of people that get into working out aim for the six pack first and foremost when in reality, it’s the last thing you should be thinking of in my opinion. You can do 1000 sit ups and 1000 crunches per day, but unless you get your body fat down no one including yourself will see those stomach muscles. You’re better off doing lots of cardio not to mention eat right. Men need to be at around six to 17 percent body fat before your abs will be noticeably visible. For women, the range is 14 to 24 percent body fat and you won't get there munching on Doritos. 

 I am no fitness expert but I do know that achieving that six pack status is no easy goal. So save your money. Don’t throw away your hard earned cash on any of those crazy get abs in 8 weeks plans, or those ridiculous apparatuses like the Vibro Belt, Ab Lounge, Tummy Trimmer or the Six Seconds Abs machine. People prey on others desires and they bank on their ignorance and laziness. People are always looking for the easy way, but there is nothing easy about getting a six pack. So if you really want that beach bod I would start today for the summer of 2022, realistically. 

 One thing I love about working out is It never lies to you. If you make progress you will know. If you slack off, it will definitely let you know. There are no cutting corners and there isn’t any cheating you have to put in the work if you want the pay off. Trust me as I search for used equipment online, I see loads and loads of these get fit quick apparatuses being sold looking brand new, still in the box. Like they say, there’s a sucker born every second. Yes, I have to be this blunt because there are so many gullible people out there that are taken advantage of. Make the conscious decision to get healthy and put the work in. Trust me it is worth it in countless ways.


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