The Truth About Cancer

 I wanted to begin to share some of the docuseries and documentaries I have viewed along my journey. I credit my sister for introducing most of them to me. The Truth About Cancer I believe was one of the first ones my sister sent to me. As I have mentioned my sister was diagnosed with a form of lukemia some years ago. As I was searching through my archives I was a little thrown back that she had shared The Truth About Cancer with me back in 2015. I instantly remembered that I wasn’t doing well in those days, they were very dark and depressing times for me but I did view the series. 

 My sister joined a site called Food Matters TV. I am not completely sure if it is free I believe some of the series she was viewing while doing her research she gladly paid for and was in turn able to share them with me for which I got to see for free. I will say the The Truth About Cancer I found on YouTube as well and was able to download the videos to view at my leisure as the link she sent me was on a time frame. The series was eye opening and shocking but at the same time I already knew some of the facts they were stating. I just hadn’t looked into them and yes I hadn’t fully excepted many of them. I remember after watching the series I was awakened a bit more and made attempts to incorporate changes in my life but the attempts were feeble but at least some blocks were laid forming the foundation on which I am currently building upon today. 

 If you are to easily except any truth it would be this one, the truth isn’t always easy to swallow. Lies tempt us like a fat juicy burger with super sized fries while the truth which is healthy seems like a plain old salad, not so tempting to most. Cancer has reached and effected many of our lives in different ways. I have lost a few friends to cancer and know of many friends who have lost loved ones to cancer or have loved ones fighting cancer as I write this. For decades cancer has mainly been associated with smoking. I was a smoker for over 20 years and I know I’ve heard the whole smoking causes cancer thing thousands of times. Even learning that fact though doesn’t instantly get a smoker to quit. The addiction aspect is not one to easily overcome and some smokers such as myself just really enjoyed it for what ever reasons and I was willing to take the risk, or so I thought anyway. But learning that the food we consume on a daily bases causes cancer? That one isn’t so easy to swallow at all. If it’s difficult to get a smoker to quit smoking because it could cause cancer, imagine getting someone to quit eating their favourite foods that they have grown up enjoying.

 Dealing with the tragedy of cancer is difficult. No one wants cancer for themselves or their loved ones. I have seen F*CK CANCER campaigns popping up frequently. It’s F*CK CANCER until you tell people that one of the best ways to actually F*CK CANCER is by eating healthier. One of the things that was most difficult to accept was the fact that trusted brands in the food industry knowingly sell us products that contain ingredients that are known to cause cancer. How could this be possible? No way would this be allowed would it? Well, just look at the tobacco companies. At first tobacco companies actually advertised that smoking was beneficial to your health. They used doctors in their commercials, showing them smoking cigarettes. They also used sports figures to tempt everyone into picking up a pack of cigarettes. It would take decades before the facts finally came to light. Not only was smoking bad for our health, the tobacco companies knew and spent millions of dollars to hide the facts. It is said those that don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. So what is it to say that food companies haven’t taken a page from the tobacco companies playbook in hiding the truth from us?

 The Truth About Cancer wasn’t an easy pill to swallow to be honest. Learning that a majority of cases could have easily been avoided is heartbreaking. I mean if it’s truly F*CK CANCER wouldn’t we want to kill it by avoiding it all together? The truth is, there is plenty we can do to avoid getting cancer but instead we continue to put ourselves at risk while we sit back waiting for science to come up with some miracle cure. Well what if they in fact don’t want to find a miracle cure? 

 Nothing I write here today is going to get anyone to instantly change their minds let alone their eating habits. If anything I just hope I say something, anything that will at least spark enough interest that you look into things for yourself. The Truth About Cancer is definitely a good place to start. If there is one thing I have learned throughout my life is that you just can’t trust everyone especially corporations/big companies. Companies do what they do to make money PERIOD! Some of them may start out with the best intentions but with growth their focus turns to greener pastures and that green is the money. 

 Many companies target our gullibilities, they bank on our trust and well. ignorance. They package up diets, health programs and you name it and we buy into it looking for that quick fix. The easy way out. Health and fitness is a billion dollar industry. People pay hundreds even thousands to try anything to solve their problems all while avoiding the obvious truth. The fact is if we want to be healthy and look and feel good as well as live as long as we possibly can, we have to work for it by eating properly and exercising. These are things we shouldn’t dread these are things we should be celebrating and enjoying doing them together with our friends and families. Why can’t we instead of meeting at a bar after work for drinks, rather meet at a salad bar? Instead of going to a football game, get together and actually play football? No one, but no one cares about you more than you and your loved ones. If you don’t care enough about yourself to want to live a long and healthy life, well then maybe that is exactly where you need to start your journey. 

 I for one pretty much knew many of the facts they disclosed in The Truth About Cancer as I mentioned. Yes I had a good idea but watching it solidified it so it was no longer just assumptions. Now, even knowing the truth isn’t enough, one needs to put it into action. As I said I had already boycotted fast food restaurants along with some companies I knew could care less about people such as Nestle, Coca Cola and Perdue just to name a few of the hundreds out there. We entrust our lives and well being to others way to easily. We trust that our governments, and health providers got our backs but unfortunately this isn’t a fact. It’s our responsibility to care for ourselves and watch each others backs. I was one that embraced life in the fast lane and the philosophy of hey you only live once so do what you want to do. Like I have said, I used to have a list of things I was willing to die for. Well a double cheese burger and fries wasn’t on that list. And now, yes, I rather have a list of things I am more willing to live for.

 The Truth About Cancer was one of the first docuseries I watched and thought of a lot while embarking on this journey. I highly recommend it. It will definitely plant healthy seeds in your brain that I hope will eventually grow as they did with me. Not everything labeled healthy is healthy. Not everything labeled sugar free, is sugar free. Not everything that is cheap is actually cheap especially when in the long run you end up paying with your life. A majority of the illnesses we fear and dread can be avoided by eating healthy and exercising. These facts played a huge part in my choosing to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I know I may not change your mind here and now but I have hopes that I at minimum make you think! 


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