New Place to Be

Hello everyone. 
 Nearly a year after starting my Gettin Fit After Fiddy blog-site I have decided to move here. My start up site was fun and all but I am looking to make both posting and viewing posts easier. I will also now be able to share individual posts which is something I have been wanting. While I am in the process of transferring my domain I will begin posting here so to familiarize myself with this new site. I am going to change things up a bit so please bare with me during this transition period.
 I do want to remind you all that my YouTube page is still up and running. I haven't posted and new videos lately as I have been contemplating making this move and also thinking up the best ways that I can better inspire and motivate you to join me in adopting a healthier lifestyle. My Instagram is also still up and running as well. So please if you haven't done so yet Subscribe to the YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram I would greatly appreciate it. You can also find me on Facebook where you can give me I LIKE if you will. I would also appreciate it if you would follow this blog.  Thank you for reading.

Video 1: Fit After Fiddy Introduction



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