Happy New Year


 Happy new year to me. Today marks the beginning of year three on this wonderful journey of adopting a healthier lifestyle that I am on. Not only is today the beginning of a new year, it is also the official beginning to my new blog site. I have been in the process of switching over to a new host and this morning my domain finally kicked in and I am truly excited.

 The last two years have been incredible to sum it all up. Of course there have been ups and downs and all arounds but doing the math yes the sum is simply incredible. I still have a double handful of aches and pains but truth be told I haven’t felt better in a very long time.

 I started my day as I do most mornings. Though I slept in a bit I was up and in the gym by 7am. I started out the way I started this journey two years ago, hitting the heavy bag. I did 10-3 minutes rounds with 30 second rest periods between rounds. What a difference from two years ago when I could barely make it through a solid minute hitting that heavy bag. My progress may not be obvious to others but that doesn’t matter at all. The progress I have made is obvious to me. I feel it, I see it and I welcome it with open arms. After my heavy bag title fight I did a barrage of callisthenics and by days end I went on a brisk 40 minute walk finishing with 10,719 steps. Yes I am working towards maintaining a minimum of 10,000 steps per day.

 My intentions when I started blogging my journey was to inspire and motivate others. Having been personally contacted by those I have inspired and motivated is one of the greatest benefits of this journey. You just can not put a price on that. Nothing has changed I am still only wanting to inspire and motivate. I have no plans of becoming a trainer or anything like that. I am happy enough just to be able to travel this road, enjoy the view and share my hopes and experiences with everyone. 

 In 24 months, I have lost the extra weight I was lugging around. I can still stand to lose a few pounds but that will happen in time no stress at all. I didn’t really focus on “losing weight” I just started living differently and the pounds just dropped. My energy level is 1000% better. At 56, non active 20 year olds would struggle to keep up with me trust me. I am stronger and faster with a stamina I haven’t had in years. The depression and anxiety that was crippling me for years is basically nonexistent now. My thinking is clearer than it has ever been in my entire life. I could go on and on with how much progress I have made in just two years. It’s pretty amazing. 

 The benefits that come with adopting a full on healthier lifestyle meaning physical, mental and spiritual are just too many to list. I have seen improvements in all areas of my life. Of course some people that I was close to couldn’t handle the changes I made in my life. I of course invited whomever to join me but unfortunately some people are just set in their ways. I’ve learned too much and have come way to far to go back now. It’s sad that people would end years of friendship because they feel uncomfortable with you wanting to live healthier. They did me a favour really. My health is my number one priority and it should be for everyone. 

 I am looking forward to year three. I hope more of you join me in adopting a healthier lifestyle. You will not regret it. Thank you for reading. 



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