Intermitted August

  What is Intermitted August? Basically I challenged myself to do an entire month of intermitted fasting. I didn’t do it for weight loss. I did it for the discipline and also for the many health benefits intermitted fasting has to offer such as: Reducing Insulin Resistance, Lowering Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Reducing Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in The Body. Induces Various Cellular Repair Processes. It is Beneficial For Heart Health. It can also Help Prevent Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s said to be Good For Your Brain and May Extend Your Lifespan, Helping You Live Longer. Last but not least YES it Can Also Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat according to Health Line and countless other sites.

 I have done quite a bit of reading up on intermitted fasting. I have also done days and weeks of intermitted fasting before doing this month challenge. If you are looking to learn more about intermitted fasting I would suggest looking up Dr. Jason Fung. Dr. Fung is a world-leading expert on intermittent fasting and low carb, especially for treating people with type 2 diabetes. He has written three best-selling health books and he co-founded the Intensive Dietary Management program. Also Dr. David Jockers. Dr. David Jockers is a natural health doctor, functional nutritionist, corrective care chiropractor, exercise physiologist and certified strength & conditioning specialist. These are two of the main people I've read and watched videos on to gain some knowledge on intermitted fasting. 

 I was introduced to intermitted fasting about 15 years ago when I read How To Eat To Live, Book 1 By Elijah Muhammad. Though he doesn’t refer to his teachings of eating one to two meals per day intermitted fasting, that is basically what it is. I recently reread How To Eat To Live, Book 1 and also How To Eat To Live Book 2. These books aren’t for everyone but I personally found them very helpful and inspiring as far as changing the way I eat. 

 This is basically what my eating schedule for the entire month of August ended up looking like. I didn’t pre-plan it. I just choose a start and end date that was it. 

Start 8-1-2020 with 18/6 Intermitted Fast. Eating Window 3pm to 9pm

8-7-2020 to 8-8-2020 Fasted 24 hours 4pm to 4pm

8-8-2020 changed to 20/4 Intermitted Fasting. Eating Window 12pm to 4pm.

8-9 to 8-10 and 8-10 to 8-11 24 hour fasts. 

8-11-2020 back to 20/4 Intermitted Fasts. Eating Window 12pm to 4pm.

8-14 to 8-15. 24 hour fast.

8-15 to 8-16. 24 hour fast.

8-16 to 8-17. 24 hour fast

8-18-2020 back to 20/4 Intermitted Fasts. Eating Window 12pm to 4pm.

8-25 to 8-26. 24 hour fast. 

8-27 till 8-31. 20/4 Intermitted Fasts. Eating Window 12pm to 4pm.

 The first couple of days were a bit difficult. But after like day 3, the rest of the month was a breeze. I felt fantastic. My workouts didn’t suffer at all as my energy level was excellent. It also felt really good to be ruling food instead being ruled by it. Some people get pretty angry if their meals are even minutes later than the times they are used to eating. A lot of people are addicted to food and don’t even know it. Food becomes ones entire world. Everything they do revolves around food. I have been there. I consider myself a covering food addict. 

Accomplishing my Intermitted August challenge was empowering. I conquered hunger pains while learning to better control my food intake all while gaining all the health benefits intermitted fasting has to offer. 

 Each day breaking my fast I didn’t stuff my face once my eating window opened up. I would rather eat a healthy snack such as fresh fruits or musli with fresh fruits. And then I would eat a modest dinner. Most of the month I ate vegetarian type meals. On 2 or 3 occasions I had chicken. I also had fish on 2 or 3 occasion. Of course no pork of beef as I have completely stopped eating them a couple of years ago. During fasting hours I drank plenty of water and also drank coffee or herbal tea.

 I didn’t lose any weight during the entire month. I wasn’t looking to lose to weight but I monitored my weight. As I mentioned my training didn’t suffer at all. As a matter of fact I began lifting a bit heavier than usual during the month, which could explain the lack of weight loss. I could have gained muscle weight while losing fat. Whatever the case may be my weight didn’t change. The fluctuations were extreme but in the end it levelled off.

 I felt great in many ways after completing this challenge. My thinking was extremely clearer during and well after I completed the month. I have every intention of doing it again in the very near future. Whether you are looking to lose weight, or looking to take advantage of one of the many health benefits intermitted fasting has to offer I would suggest reading up on it a bit and then testing the waters by doing a couple of days of it before embarking on a long haul. If you have any preexisting health issues I would definitely suggest consulting your physician who could possibly monitor you along the way just to be on the safe side. 

 In closing I will say I highly recommend intermitted fasting to everyone. It is very liberating not to be ruled by food. Rather than living to eat, I now Eat to Live. Thank you for reading.


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