Magnificent Monday

 A lot of people dread Monday’s. I admit I used to dread Monday’s. I kind of flipped it now as how you choose to handle your Monday’s pretty much sets the tone for your entire week. So instead of starting out the week knee deep in dread, I now try to start off the week with enthusiasm. 

 Granted I don’t hit the training exactly the same on any given day. I start every day with a clean a slate. But I often do try to go the extra mile on Monday’s. If I go hard Monday, it sets up for a great week; for me anyway. Like they say everyday above ground is a great day so Monday or not I celebrate living.

 I haven’t shared workouts much. I do plan on doing so more often in hopes of motivating and inspiring you to get into it. I have come a long way from my mandatory 10 to 15 minutes per day. This particular Monday I definitely went the extra mile and it felt great. 

For those that can’t read my handwriting:

10-24-2020      6:45am - 7:45am

5-3 minute rounds on the heavy bag with 30 second rests between rounds

Floor touches                                 30 x 3

Wide grip pull ups                            6 x 3

Arm circles                                     60 x 3

Chin ups                                          6 x 3

Jumping Jacks                               50 x 3

Pull ups                                            6 x 3

Side grip pull ups                             6 x 3

(15 minute coffee break)

8am - 9am

Side kicks heavy bag                       50 x 3

Wide grip lat pull downs                   10 x 3

Shrugs                                             15 x 3

Close reverse grip lat pull downs     15 x 3 

Dumbbell rows                                 10 x 3

Twists                                               50 x 3

Side to sides                                     50 x 3

After training:

5-3 minute rounds of kick boxing on heavy bag with 30 second rests between rounds

Running: 1 miles (9 minutes and 59 seconds)

Total steps for the day: 10,801

One would think after all was said and done I would be exhausted. But I actually felt pretty energetic I had a full work day after training and a list of errands I got through. I believe that treating every single day as a blessing makes a big difference. When we dread days it sets the tone for days to come. We are the captains of our vessels so always manoeuvre towards the best conditions possible. It works for me and it could possibly work out for you as well. ThanX for reading! 


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