What The Health?

 Originally posted 12-1-2019 

 My sister wrote me sometime in early February of 2018 to tell me about the film What The Health which was on Netfilx. I immediately looked for it and watched it. It was jaw dropping to say the least. What The Health Is a film that examines the link between diet and disease, and the billions of dollars at stake in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and food industries. I have watched it a few times. Every time I watch this film I am totally shocked by the information they share.

 This film of course comes with plenty of controversy. It has been attacked from all sides but seriously, if you watch the thing it should come to no surprise that the information they are revealing is going to be criticised to some extent especially with the amounts of money that are at stake. But all this aside what I came out of it with is that our diets, what we eat on daily basis should be taken very seriously. We give our trust to others way to easy. We look at places such as McDonald’s and Burger King they are so inviting, kid friendly just welcoming and we trust that they have our best interests at heart. The fact is they are more concerned with their best interest and that is their profit margins not our hearts literally.

 As I have mentioned I already knew a lot of the foods made available to us the general pubic wasn’t healthy for us but this film took it to an entirely different level for me. Understand I have never been anti vegan I just don’t agree with some of their ways. This film definitely helped me to understand some of the serious issues my vegan friends argued. Definitely eye opening.

 I have to admit, some of the things in this film are shocking. I know many will find it hard to believe. What I took from it for myself was to be a lot more cautious especially when it comes to my three year old son. I’m in my 50’s and I know I have to live with some of the wrong, misinformed choices I have made throughout my life but my son? He is innocent and deserves better. I definitely realized I can’t walk into a food store blindly believing that everything on the shelves is safe for consumption. I was glad that I was on the path I was on adopting a healthier lifestyle. 

 One of my good friends has a credo. He says you only live once so enjoy yourself and eat whatever your heart desires and plenty of it. This is a man that is 20 years younger than me and suffers from chronic headaches, back pain and severe arthritis. He is definitely overweight and out of shape. He’s as strong as a bull I give him that but the likelihood of an untimely death unless he changes his lifestyle is clearly visible and I find that to be sad. Everything he suffers from can be reversed with proper diet and exercise but he isn’t trying to hear that.

 I agree with my friend on his point that we only live once but I beyond that I feel completely different on everything else. A few years ago ok I would have laughed along with him while biting into an 800 gram bacon double cheese burger. But now I know better and I can’t unlearn what I know now. I want to live the longest life I possibly can. When I ask my friend, what about his children and his grand children he shrugs it off and says they’ll be fine. He says they’ll probably be better off without him, again very sad. I think if anyone asks their loved ones if they would be better off without them, most would say no. I for one want to be around for as long as I possibly can enjoying this gift we know of as life.

 Our lives are a direct result of our thoughts, choices and actions. We are responsible for our lives and you can’t argue that our lives effect the lives of others whether it be negative or positive and again these outcomes depend on our choices. I already had a good glimpse of what my past choices were giving me in return and it’s not what I truly wanted. But it’s never to late to change and that’s just what I did and I can tell you from personal experience you immediately begin to see the shift. You almost instantly start reaping the the rewards of a changed attitude and a changed way of living your life. 

 I definitely recommend watching this film to everyone. If anything it will make you think twice about what you eat and what you feed your children. Some may not believe it and might even reject it completely but if you do a minimum amount of research you will find that most of the film is spot on. 

 I have grown to see that life is truly a gift. I did have my moments when I could give a rats ass whether I lived or died but today, I am grateful I lived long enough to see life for what it really is, a gift. A lot of us care for our material possessions better than we care for ourselves. Seriously I know people that will not put regular gas in their cars. They will only put the best oil, the best of the best of everything for their cars just to take that car to the drive through where they ingest bags full of junk food that contribute to their poor health. Yea, What the Health? 


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