Day 40 Check In


 Today is day 40 into my 100 day commitment. Since my last post I have racked up another 113,373 steps bringing my total to 496,829. I am feeling a bit proud that I will cross the halfway mark 10 days ahead of schedule. This is no way means I have room to slack off. If anything I will be pushing myself even harder. We have had a string of rainy days which to be honest isn’t very pleasant for walking. I don’t let it stop me but it has indeed made it a bit more difficult. A few days it was raining so hard I was drenched within minutes. I am determined though not just to reach my goal of 1 Million Steps, but to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Let me see some sun and you will see me run.

 Over the last couple months I have read about a number of deaths of men younger than myself. Some if not all were preventable as they were caused by poor lifestyle choices. Just from the short time I took off to heal from my injuries I could see just how quickly we decline. Eating healthy just isn’t enough. We need proper daily exercise there just isn’t any doubts about that. The climb to a healthier lifestyle is a difficult one, but it’s worth it. Once you reach a certain point it’s just about maintaining. Allowing your health to decline is like coasting down a hill it picks up speed and if you don’t slow it down it will get out of control. These are issues not many wish to talk about. They will rather write it off as when it’s your time to go, it’s your time. This is just not so because many untimely deaths are preventable. 

 We have more control over our fates than many wish to admit. When we choose to “let ourselves go” we need to understand that there are consequences. We definitely need to discuss this more often. The most difficult aspect of choosing to live healthier for myself, was seeing things from a different prospective. People just don’t care. They will say they do, but their actions speak loud and clear. They don’t want to hear that their favorite food or beverage is toxic and bad for their health. People will joke it off saying but it tastes so good. I too was blind not long ago, but now that I can see clearly, there is no turning back. I will continue moving in the right direction one step at a time. I hope some of you that read this will join me.


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