One Million Step Challenge

  Don’t call it a come back, I been here for years. Yes, it has been a while since my last post and for good reason. I have been recovering from injuries. First I blew out my shoulder. It didn’t happen while training. It actually happened while sleeping. Very painful to say the least. I was fully bedridden for about 3 weeks. I was still in a lot of pain but took to walking. My first attempt at the One Million Step Challenge. At around 300,000 steps, I slipped on an ice patch and fractured a few ribs. Here we are a few months down the line and I am still healing. I have remained active the best I could and have stuck to my healthy lifestyle as much as possible. Now with the warm weather coming in I thought it would be a great opportunity to go for the One Million Step Challenge again. Who will join me?

 I am actually well into it. I am on day 13 of garnering a minimum of 10,000 steps per day. Basically about 5.5 miles. I am averaging about 12,000 steps or so per day. The goal is to take One Million Steps in 100 days or less. Walking 10,000 steps a day will boost your heart health. It will strengthen your lungs, improve your concentration, strengthen your bones, help stabilize your blood sugar, can help lower your blood pressure, improve flexibility, boost your energy levels and improve your mood. 

 So what do you say? This challenge sure beats the hell out the ice bucket challenge. This is definitely a great way to step your game up! 




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