Rain or Sunshine

  Day 30 was a grey rainy day but I didn’t let that deter me from getting my steps in. Of course the excuses and justifications for taking a day off came flowing in harder than the rain itself but I wasn’t haven’t it. I suited up and got it in. Walking in the rain was actually refreshing. Once I got my steps in I felt a bit victorious not having let the weather dampen my determination to reach that 1 million mark. 

 After 30 days I have accumulated 383,457 steps. That’s 83,457 steps ahead. I can definitely feel a big difference from when I first started. Part of my daily walk is trucking up three quarters of a mile hill. The first week or so that hill was brutal. Now I don’t ease up on my stride one bit. I am also now doing a bit of jogging as well just to put my heart to work. That’s where my focus is right now working out the heart. 

 Your heart is a muscle. Just like your bicep, the more you work your heart, the bigger and stronger it gets. Over time, your heart works more efficiently and can push out a greater volume of blood with every beat.. In addition, exercise also improves blood flow to the heart. In my lifetime I have seen a number of people that were physically fit yet they suffered from health issues. This is because you can’t build your body while ignoring the most important muscles in your body, you heart and your brain. Your brain may not be an actually muscle but it is like a muscle as it needs to be exercised. 

 70 days to go. I hope someone out there is being motivated enough to join me. Every step you take is one step closer to living a healthier, happier life. 


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