1,000,000 Steps in 77 Days


 Well, it has been a minute since I last posted. But YES, I made it, 1 Million Steps with with over 3 weeks to spare. 

 When I last wrote I had three days of walking left and I mentioned I would try to shave a day off. I actually got so busy I had forgotten all about it. I woke up on that third day just 1,000 steps shy of a million. Had I remembered I could have and would have shaved that day off. I have just been so busy trying to juggle a number things at once that I was just on autopilot. The main thing is I accomplished my goal of 1 Million Steps and did it in much less than the 100 days I set for myself. 

 It felt good to take the one millionth step it really did. But I was definitely reminded that this goal and the whole getting fit and living a healthier lifestyle is personal…very personal. There was no cheering or fanfare. There were no pats on the back or congratulations, but there was a great deal of satisfaction. Well ok, I did pat myself on the back and congratulate myself as well. 

 Aside from reaching my goal of 1 Million Steps I also lowered my resting heart rate substantially and shed about 10 lbs. I also as I have mentioned learned a lot about myself in the process. I know some years ago I would have easily quit or taken days off justifying it in some way shape or form. Today I just can’t short change myself in anyway because I would only be cheating myself and I am not about to do that. I don’t allow my thoughts to dictate my actions. I instead dictate my thoughts and take action. I have way more determination now at 56 than I have ever had and for that I am truly grateful. 

 Instead of calling it quits after reaching 1,000,000 I just kept on walking. Part of the challenge was walking for 100 days. Counting today I now only have five days to go. After achieving my goal I didn’t ease up not one bit. I am still surpassing 10,000 steps per day and I decided to add some cycling into the mix. I am riding my bike from 30 minutes to an hour daily. I do take a day off from cycling if I ride for a full hour or more just to give my legs a rest. 

 I will be trying to post more often in the coming days as I approach my 100 day goal. I am contemplating whether I will continue walking or will I set some other goal I am not sure as of yet. I will let you know. For now it’s one step at a time, one day at a time. Thank you all for reading. 


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