15 Miles To Go


 It’s been 12 days since my last post. The days sure do fly by. I managed to rack up another 159,102 steps bringing my total to 968,495. I am in the home stretch here. I have 31,505 steps to go till I finally reach 1 Million steps. 31,505 steps is roughly about 15 miles which is basically 3 more days of walking including today. 

 My original goal was 1 million steps in 100 days or less. By my calculations I will reach my goal on day 77. I will of course continue walking to complete 100 days straight of walking 10,000 steps or more daily. As I have mentioned a number of times I have been averaging between 12 to 13,000 steps per day. I would like to say it gets easier but 10,000 steps, is 10,000 steps. Some days I feel great and some days I am dragging my arse and a mule. I have been and still am determined though and that’s what gets me through it. 

 I have definitely gotten stronger in keeping up my stride. And as crazy as it sounds some of my best days were the ones I least wanted to go out and hit the pavement. These past weeks walking has allowed for my ribs to heal fully. Fractured ribs usually take about 6 weeks to heal. Though I may have been healed there was still some soreness after 6 weeks but that has now went away. My shoulder has also gotten much better so I may be getting back into the gym after I complete my 100 days of walking. I will of course start that out slowly.

 So many factors come into play making a commitment like this. You have your goal to accomplish, the discipline, the health improvement. These past 74 days has in truth been great for my mental health as much as my physical health if not more. I highly recommend this challenge to everyone. It is a game changer in more ways than I can express. 

 With that said, I am off to get in my daily count. I am hitting it early today. I may just go for shaving a day off reaching my goal in 76 days, we’ll see. No matter the distance we travel in life, it must be done one step at a time. Happiness and good health to all. 


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