Lettuce Eat Healthy: Cooking Up Chicken Fried Rice

 I have always loved eating Chinese food. Who doesn’t love eating Chinese? I honestly stopped eating fast foods about 15 years ago. Since then the only times I backslid was getting a little Chinese takeout. Gotta say that Chinese takeout in Norway is nothing like like the Chinese takeout I used to get in New York. As I embarked on my journey to adopt a healthier lifestyle I started looking up healthy recipes and one day I came across this chicken fried rice recipe. 

 It’s very simple to make and very inexpensive. It also tastes better than what you get at a Chinese restaurant unless you really like that old cooking oil taste. It is also much healthier because this recipe calls for cooking in olive oil opposed to lard or vegetable oil.

 Basically all you need for this meal is 1. Olive oil 2. One or two chicken cutlets depending on how many people you’re cooking for. One cutlet can serve two people. 3. One and half cups of American blend vegetables (frozen) 4. One cup of rice for two servings or two cups for four people 5. One to two eggs again depending on how many people you’re serving. 6. Soy sauce 7. Assorted spices according to your liking 8. Teriyaki sauce (This is optional)


Day old cold white rice is the best if you have some leftover from your last meal. If you don’t have any just get your rice cooking. I used a Tupperware rice cooker making the video. It only takes 15 minutes opposed to 20 minutes on your stovetop. Cut up your chicken cutlets into small pieces like half inch by half inch or even smaller. Pour your veggies into a bowl so they are ready to go. Scramble up one to two eggs and have them set aside and ready to go. Take a small bowl and add all the spices you wish to add. This is basically what you prefer. I used pink Himalayan salt, Goya Adobo All-Purpose Seasoning, garlic powder, and chilli explosion. 


Put enough olive oil to cover the bottom of your whole pan or wok. You don’t need a lot just enough for a light coating. Throw your chicken in and start stirring it up. As the chicken starts to cook you can add about half of your spices. When the chicken starts browning, throw in your American blend veggies and stir that up till the veggies defrost and start to soften. Once your veggies are soft you can then spoon in all your rice. Mix it all up really good. This is when you can add the rest of your spices and you can also pour in your soy sauce. Be careful not to add too much or it will taste rather salty unless you like it like that. Keep stirring vigorously. Once everything is mixed up good you can add Teriyaki sauce if you’re into that if not just proceed to add your scrambled eggs. Mix them in till they are spread throughout. There you have it healthy chicken fried rice. Enjoy. 

 I love this meal because it is so easy and inexpensive. I always have enough leftovers for the next day and it just tastes awesome. I hope you love it as much as I do. If you haven’t yet you can see the video of me cooking this up below. 


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